Should You Build a Deck or a Patio?

Published on
April 18, 2022

If you like the idea of getting out and enjoying the outdoors on your property, then you've probably thought about adding some outdoor living space. However, you have a difficult decision ahead of you: should you build a deck or a patio? They would both do a great job of livening up your outdoor space, sure, but they're not exactly interchangeable. A deck is an open porch or platform often made of wood or composite material, while a patio is a level area that's typically made of concrete or stone. So, which one is right for you?

In this blog post we'll take a closer look at some of the key factors you should consider when deciding whether you should build a deck or a patio. Let's get started!


One of the first things to think about when deciding between a deck and a patio is its purpose - what do you want to use it for? Do you want a place to relax and entertain guests? If so, you may want to go with a deck. It can provide a comfortable place for you to entertain guests or relax with a book. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a space to enjoy cookouts and other outdoor activities, a patio might be better suited to your needs.


Another thing to consider is the terrain of your property. If your backyard is level, then you'll have no problem installing a patio. But if your yard is sloped or uneven, you may want to go with a deck. While it may be possible to build a patio on this type of terrain, it can be quite expensive to create a level foundation. With decks, however, you can simply build them on stilts to account for any unevenness.


Cost is always an important consideration when it comes to home improvement projects. How much money do you have to spend on your new outdoor living area? Decks can be fairly expensive to build, depending on the size and materials you choose. Patios, on the other hand, are generally more affordable, especially if you go with something like concrete. So, if you're working with a small budget, a patio may give you the best bang for your buck.

Resale Value

While a patio may cost you less in the short-term, a deck is likely going to give you a better return on your investment. In fact, it can increase the overall value of your home. If you're planning on selling your home in the future, a well-built wooden deck can be much more of a draw for potential buyers than a concrete patio area. This is especially true in warmer climates where it's common to spend a lot of time outdoors.


Once your new deck or patio is built, you'll need to think about maintenance. Since they're usually made of wood, decks generally require more upkeep than patios, as they need to be power washed and sealed every few years to keep them looking their best. Patios, as they're usually made from durable materials like stone or concrete, just don't need that same kind of attention. Therefore, if you're not keen on spending a lot of time caring for your outdoor living space, a patio may be the better option.

Ready to start your custom project? Contact JA Custom Homes today to see how we can help!